• Sophos Biotech - Our mission

    Our mission

Wave Pharma’s list of products is dedicated wholly to oncology, with particular attention to products for women, such as ANASTROZOLE (brand name ADIUNASTROL), LETROZOLE (brand name BRESTORAL), and EXEMESTANE (brand name NIBESTAN).

Wave Pharma’s commitment goes further that developing and distributing cancer drugs, but also aims to forge a direct dialogue with all Healthcare Professionals, in order to promote an increasingly correct and conscientious use of drugs in general, and of generics in particular.

The main objective remains that of increasingly spread knowledge of the essential role of generics which, in the treatment of serious diseases like cancers, afford considerable economic savings for the State and citizens alike, while maintaining the highest standards of effectiveness and safety.

Wave Pharma S.r.l. è una società di FENIX PHARMA SOC. COOP.P.A

Wave Pharma S.r.l. is a company of FENIX PHARMA SOC. COOP.P.A

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Sei interessato al mondo farmaceutico e vuoi lavorare in una realtà in continua crescita?
Do you have an interest in the world of pharmaceuticals, and in finding employment with a continuously growing concern?

Area riservata

Reserved area

Area riservata a medici e farmacisti per visualizzare gli RCP dei prodotti
Area reserved for physicians and pharmacists to view the summary of product characteristics (SPC).
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WAVE PHARMA S.r.l. | P.IVA / CODICE FISCALE 11691441007 | Capitale sociale euro 100.000
Sede legale: Via dei Redentoristi, 9 - 00186 Roma | Sede operativa: Via Giunio Antonio Resti 71, 00143 Roma
Tel. +39 06 59648429 | Fax +39 06 59633037
WAVE PHARMA S.r.l. | VAT / FISCAL CODE 11691441007 | Share capital 100,000 euros
Registered office: Via dei Redentoristi, 9 - 00186 Roma | Operational headquarters: Via Giunio Antonio Resti 71, 00143 Roma
Tel. +39 06 59648429 | Fax +39 06 59633037